Wedding Thank You Card Etiquette – A Quick Guide

The task of writing wedding thank-you notes is an important way to show appreciation to those who made your wedding special. Thank-you notes are always appropriate and never go out of style. It is proper etiquette to send thank-you notes to let your family and friends know that you received the gift, appreciate it, and how you plan to use it.

Jacqueline Whitmore, an etiquette expert, recommends being specific and personal in your thank-you messages, acknowledging the specific gift and the presence of the guest. Preprinted thank-you cards can be used for larger weddings, but personalization is key. Create a list of recipients, including parents, bridal party, guests, and vendors, to ensure that everyone receives a thank-you note.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Send wedding thank-you notes to express gratitude for gifts and presence
  • Be specific and personal in your thank-you messages
  • Consider using preprinted thank-you cards for larger weddings
  • Create a list of recipients to ensure everyone receives a thank-you note
  • Include parents, bridal party, guests, and vendors in your thank-you list

Section 2: Timeliness of Sending Wedding Thank You Cards

When it comes to sending wedding thank you cards, timing is everything. Promptly expressing your gratitude shows respect and appreciation for your guests’ presence and thoughtful gifts. Aim to send out your thank you cards within a window of one to three months after the wedding.

Breaking up the task into smaller sessions can help make the process more manageable. Set goals for yourself, such as completing a certain number of cards each day or week. Creating a spreadsheet or list of your guest’s names and addresses ahead of time will also help you stay organized and ensure you don’t miss anyone.

Traditional etiquette emphasizes the importance of being specific and personal in your thank you messages. Take the time to acknowledge the guest’s time and the gift they gave. Mentioning the specific gift and expressing how you plan to use it adds a personal touch to your thank you notes. However, for larger weddings, preprinted thank you cards with a more general message can be used.

Table: Timeliness of Sending Wedding Thank You Cards

Within two weeks to a monthSend thank you cards promptly after the wedding
One to three monthsWindow for sending thank you cards
Break up the taskSet goals for completing a certain number of cards each day or week
Create a spreadsheet or listStay organized and ensure you don’t miss anyone

No matter the approach, it’s the thought and effort that counts. Your guests will appreciate the time and care you put into sending them a thank you note in the mail. It’s a small gesture that goes a long way in expressing your gratitude for their presence and support on your special day.

Recipients of Wedding Thank You Cards

When it comes to sending wedding thank you cards, it’s important to show appreciation to all those who have contributed to your special day. It’s customary to send thank you notes to all the guests who attended your wedding, regardless of whether they gave a gift or not. Additionally, you should include individuals who played a significant role in your wedding, such as your parents, bridal party, wedding planner, and vendors.

Even if someone couldn’t attend the wedding but still sent a gift, it’s important to acknowledge their thoughtfulness with a thank you note. Furthermore, it’s a nice gesture to express gratitude towards the vendors who helped make your wedding a success. When preparing your recipient list, make sure to include anyone who has given a gift, whether it was a physical item or a monetary contribution.

Recipients of Wedding Thank You Cards:

  • All guests who attended the wedding
  • Parents
  • Bridal party
  • Wedding planner
  • Vendors
  • Anyone who sent a gift

By sending thank you cards to these recipients, you’ll show your gratitude and appreciation for their presence and contributions to your special day.

What to Include in a Wedding Thank You Card

When it comes to writing wedding thank-you cards, it’s important to include certain elements to express your gratitude and appreciation. By crafting a thoughtful and personalized message, you can make your thank-you cards meaningful and memorable for your guests.

Elements of a Thank You Note

1. Recipient’s Name: Begin the thank-you note by addressing the recipient by name. This adds a personal touch and shows that you took the time to acknowledge them individually.

2. Gratitude: Express your sincere gratitude for the recipient’s presence at your wedding and their thoughtful gift or contribution. Let them know how much their presence and support meant to you.

3. Specific Mention of the Gift: Be sure to mention the specific gift that the recipient gave you. This shows that you took notice and appreciate their thoughtfulness.

4. Appreciation and Use of the Gift: Express your appreciation for the gift and let the recipient know how you plan to use it. Whether it’s for your home, honeymoon, or future plans, sharing this information adds a personal touch to the thank-you note.

5. Warm Closing: End the thank-you note with a warm and heartfelt closing. This could be a simple “Thank you again” or a more personal closing that reflects your relationship with the recipient.

Example Thank You Card Wording

“Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Thank you so much for joining us on our special day and for your thoughtful gift. Your presence at our wedding meant the world to us, and we are grateful for your love and support.

We truly appreciate the [specific gift] you gave us. It is a beautiful addition to our home, and we will cherish it for years to come. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are truly appreciated.

Thank you again for being a part of our wedding celebration. Your love and support mean everything to us.

With warmest regards,

[Your Names]”

Wedding Thank You Card

By following these guidelines and including these key elements, you can create heartfelt and personalized wedding thank-you cards that will make your guests feel truly appreciated.

Digital vs. Handwritten Thank You Cards

When it comes to expressing gratitude for wedding gifts, the debate between digital and handwritten thank you cards has been ongoing. While digital thank-you cards offer convenience and speed, handwritten notes have a personal touch that is hard to replicate. So which option is the right one for you?

Digital Wedding Thank You Cards:

  • With digital thank-you cards, you can easily send a message of appreciation through email or social media.
  • They are a great choice for couples who prefer a more eco-friendly way of thanking their guests.
  • However, digital thank-you cards may lack the same level of personalization and thoughtfulness that comes with a handwritten note.
  • Etiquette experts still emphasize the value of handwritten correspondence, as it shows a greater level of effort and sincerity.
  • If you do choose to send digital thank-you cards, make sure to personalize each message and avoid mass sending generic notes.

Handwritten Thank You Cards for Weddings:

  • Handwritten thank-you notes add a personal touch and make your guests feel truly appreciated.
  • They allow you to express your gratitude in a more heartfelt and meaningful way.
  • Take the time to write each note by hand, addressing the recipient by name and mentioning the specific gift they gave.
  • While it may take longer to write handwritten thank-you cards, the effort will be worth it when you see the smiles on your guests’ faces.
  • To make the task more manageable, set aside dedicated time each day or week to write a certain number of cards.

“Handwritten thank-you cards reflect more meaning and intention and are less likely to get lost in spam folders.” – Etiquette Expert


Both digital and handwritten thank-you cards have their advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal preference, the number of guests, and your desire for personalization. If you value convenience and want to reduce your environmental impact, digital thank-you cards may be the way to go. However, if you want to show your guests how much you truly appreciate their presence and gifts, a handwritten thank-you note will leave a lasting impression. Whichever option you choose, remember that the most important thing is to express your heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those who made your wedding day special.

Table: Pros and Cons of Digital and Handwritten Thank You Cards

 Digital Thank You CardsHandwritten Thank You Cards
Environmental Impact
Effort and Sincerity
Lost in Spam

Section 6: Sending Thank You Cards for Every Wedding Event

When it comes to expressing gratitude for wedding events, sending thank-you cards is an essential gesture. It is customary to send thank-you notes for every wedding-related occasion beyond just the wedding day itself. This includes events like the bridal shower and bachelorette party. By acknowledging each event individually, you show appreciation for the effort, time, and support provided by the guests and event organizers.

When writing thank-you cards for wedding events, it is important to personalize each note to reflect the specific occasion and the gift received. Mentioning the event in your message will make the recipient feel recognized and valued. Take the time to write heartfelt notes that express your genuine gratitude for their presence and contribution to each event.

To help stay organized, create a list of guests who attended each event and keep track of the gifts received. This will ensure no one is overlooked in the thank-you card process. By making the effort to send thank-you cards for every wedding event, you demonstrate your appreciation and leave a lasting impression on your loved ones.

Section 7: Addressing Wedding Thank You Cards

Addressing wedding thank-you cards is an important aspect of proper etiquette. When addressing the cards, it is customary to send one card per couple or per household, rather than sending an individual card to each guest. This helps streamline the process and ensures that every guest receives a thank-you note. When addressing the cards, it is best to address each card to the guest or guests who signed the gift’s card or to each person from the receiving household who was present at the wedding.

For example, if you received a gift from John and Jane Smith, you would address the thank-you card to “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” If you received a gift from a family, you can address the card to “The Smith Family.” It is also a good idea to order slightly more cards than you anticipate needing to account for any changes or surprise gifts.

Addressing the cards correctly not only shows attention to detail but also ensures that each guest feels acknowledged and appreciated. By following the proper address format, you can make each thank-you card more personal and meaningful to the recipient.

Tips for Addressing Wedding Thank You Cards:

  • Address one card per couple or household rather than per individual guest.
  • Address the card to the guest or guests who signed the gift’s card or to each person from the receiving household who was present at the wedding.
  • Order slightly more cards than you anticipate needing to account for changes or surprise gifts.
ScenarioHow to Address Thank-You Cards
Gift from a married coupleMr. and Mrs. Smith
Gift from an unmarried coupleMs. Johnson and Mr. Davis
Gift from a familyThe Johnson Family

Remember, addressing the thank-you cards correctly is an important step in showing your guests that their presence and gifts are appreciated. Taking the time to address each card personally adds a thoughtful touch to your gratitude.

Section 8: Timeliness of Sending Thank You Cards

When it comes to sending wedding thank you cards, timing is key. You want to express your gratitude while the memory of your special day is still fresh in everyone’s mind. Ideally, thank you cards should be sent within two weeks to a month after the wedding. However, the general rule of thumb is to send them within three months.

To ensure promptness, it’s best to start writing your thank you cards as soon as possible. Break up the task into manageable sessions and set goals for yourself. For example, aim to complete a certain number of cards each day or week. This will help you stay organized and prevent the task from becoming overwhelming.


Within 2 weeksStart writing thank you cards
1 monthComplete a portion of the thank you cards
2-3 monthsFinish writing and send all thank you cards

Additionally, it’s helpful to create a spreadsheet or list of your guest names and addresses in advance. This will make it easier to keep track of who you’ve sent cards to and avoid any omissions.

Remember, sending thank you cards in a timely manner shows your genuine appreciation for the presence and gifts of your loved ones. It’s a thoughtful gesture that will not go unnoticed.

Tips for Writing Personalized Wedding Thank You Cards

Writing personalized thank you cards for your wedding is a thoughtful way to show your gratitude to your loved ones. By taking the time to craft heartfelt messages, you can make each recipient feel appreciated and valued. Here are some tips to help you write personalized wedding thank you cards that leave a lasting impression:

  1. Be specific: Mention the recipient’s name and the specific gift they gave. This shows that you noticed their thoughtfulness and helps create a personal connection.
  2. Express genuine gratitude: Use heartfelt language to convey your appreciation. Let the recipient know how much their presence and gift meant to you and your spouse.
  3. Share a personal touch: Include a personal anecdote or special memory from your wedding day. This personalizes the message and makes it more meaningful.
  4. Be descriptive: Describe how you plan to use the gift and how it will enhance your newly married life. This helps the recipient understand the impact of their gift.

By following these tips, you can create personalized wedding thank you cards that make your loved ones feel truly appreciated. Remember, the key is to make each message genuine, heartfelt, and specific to the recipient.

Example of a Personalized Wedding Thank You Card

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

We want to express our heartfelt thanks for being a part of our special day and for the beautiful [gift]. Your presence truly made our wedding day even more memorable and joyful. We are so grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

We can’t wait to [describe how you plan to use the gift]. It will bring so much joy and happiness to our new home. Every time we [use the gift], we will think of you and the wonderful memories we shared on our wedding day.

Thank you once again for your love, support, and incredible gift. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives.

With heartfelt gratitude,

[Your Names]


Writing personalized wedding thank you cards is a meaningful way to express your gratitude. By being specific, genuine, and adding a personal touch, you can create thank you cards that leave a lasting impression on your loved ones. Remember, each message should be heartfelt and tailored to the recipient, making them feel truly appreciated.

Unique Ideas for Wedding Thank You Cards

When it comes to expressing gratitude to your wedding guests, why not get creative with your thank you cards? By adding personal touches and unique elements, you can make your thank you cards stand out and leave a lasting impression. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

1. Choose Cards with Designs or Prints

Select thank you cards that reflect your wedding theme or personal style. Opt for cards with elegant designs, floral patterns, or even your favorite colors. Adding a touch of visual appeal will make your cards more memorable.

2. Include Photos from the Wedding

Make your thank you cards extra special by including a photo from your wedding day. Choose a candid shot of you and your partner or a group photo with your guests. It will serve as a lovely keepsake while reminding your loved ones of the happy memories shared.

3. Add a Personalized Message

Consider personalizing your thank you cards by including a thoughtful message for each recipient. Take the time to express your gratitude and share a heartfelt sentiment that is unique to your relationship with that person. It will show them how much you appreciate their presence and support.

GiftThank You Card Idea
A personalized photo frameInclude a photo of the recipient and you together, already framed in the card.
A set of wine glassesAttach a personalized wine charm to each card as a small token of appreciation.
A donation made in their nameInclude a heartfelt note explaining how their gift made a difference and express your gratitude for their generosity.

By incorporating these unique ideas into your wedding thank you cards, you can show your appreciation in a meaningful and memorable way. Remember, the key is to make each card personalized and heartfelt, reflecting the special connection you have with each recipient.

Tips and Best Practices for Writing Wedding Thank You Cards

Writing wedding thank-you cards is an essential task to express your gratitude to those who made your special day even more memorable. To help you in this process, here are some tips and best practices:

1. Start Early and Set Goals

Begin writing your thank-you cards as soon as possible after the wedding. Breaking the task into smaller sessions and setting goals for a certain number of cards each day or week will help you stay organized and prevent overwhelm. By starting early and setting goals, you can ensure that all your thank-you cards are completed in a timely manner.

2. Personalize Each Message

Make each thank-you note heartfelt and personal by addressing each guest by name and thanking them for their specific gift. Express your appreciation for their presence and the thoughtfulness behind their gift. Sharing a specific memory or special moment from the wedding can also add a personal touch to your thank-you notes.

3. Be Specific and Gracious

When expressing your gratitude, be specific about the gift you received and mention how you plan to use it. For monetary gifts, you can specify how the funds will be utilized. Always remember to be gracious and sincere in your thank-you messages, as this will make your guests feel truly valued and appreciated.

With these tips and best practices, you can write meaningful and personalized thank-you cards that will leave a lasting impression on your guests. Remember, the purpose of these cards is to express your gratitude and show appreciation for their presence and contributions to your special day.


As you wrap up your wedding festivities, don’t forget the crucial task of sending out thank-you cards to express your gratitude. Following proper wedding thank-you card etiquette ensures that you acknowledge everyone who contributed to your special day. By personalizing each card, mentioning the specific gift, and sharing your heartfelt appreciation, you can create meaningful thank-you notes.

Timing is key when it comes to sending thank-you cards. Aim to mail them within three months after your wedding, but ideally, send them within two weeks to a month. This promptness shows your genuine appreciation for your guests’ presence and gifts. Keep in mind that each card should be sent per couple or household, not individually to each guest.

When writing your thank-you notes, take the time to address each guest by name and express your gratitude for their presence at your wedding. Mention the specific gift you received, describe how you will use it, and add a personalized closing to make each note special. Consider sharing a specific memory or special moment from your wedding to further personalize the message.

Remember, wedding thank-you cards are an opportunity to show your appreciation, so make them unique and creative if you’d like. Choose cards with designs or prints that reflect your wedding theme, include photos from your special day, or consider personalized thank-you gifts for your wedding party members or special guests.

Wrapping up your wedding thank-you cards may seem like a daunting task, but by ordering the cards in advance, starting early, and committing to writing a certain number of cards each day or week, you can streamline the process and avoid last-minute stress. Show your gratitude to everyone who made your wedding day unforgettable.


What is the proper timing for sending wedding thank you cards?

Wedding thank you cards should be mailed within a window of one to three months after the wedding.

Who should receive wedding thank you cards?

Wedding thank you cards should be sent to all guests who attended the wedding, as well as individuals who contributed to the wedding in some way, such as parents, bridal party, wedding planner, and vendors.

What should be included in a wedding thank you card?

A wedding thank you card should include the recipient’s name, a heartfelt expression of gratitude, specific mention of the gift received, appreciation for the gift and how it will be used, and a warm closing.

Are digital thank you cards acceptable for weddings?

While digital thank you cards may seem practical, handwritten correspondence is still the preferred method according to etiquette experts. Handwritten thank you cards reflect more meaning and intention and are less likely to get lost in spam folders.

Should thank you cards be sent for every wedding event?

Yes, thank you cards should be sent for every wedding event, including the wedding, bridal shower, and bachelorette party. It is a nice gesture to send a thank you note to anyone who hosted or helped organize an event.

How should wedding thank you cards be addressed?

It is customary to send one card per couple or per household. Wedding etiquette does not require sending a note to each individual guest. Address the cards to each guest who signed the gift’s card or to each person from the receiving household who was present at the wedding.

What is the deadline for sending wedding thank you cards?

Wedding thank you cards should be sent within three months after the wedding, but it is best to send them within two weeks to a month.

How can I personalize my wedding thank you cards?

To personalize your wedding thank you cards, address each guest by name, express gratitude for their presence at the wedding, mention the specific gift received, describe how it will be used, and add a personalized closing.

What are some unique ideas for wedding thank you cards?

You can make your wedding thank you cards unique and creative by choosing cards with designs or prints, adding elements of the wedding theme, including photos from the wedding, or using foil stamping for a pop of color. Personalized thank you gifts can also be given to wedding party members, special guests, or as a wedding gift for parents.

What are some tips for writing wedding thank you cards?

To streamline the process of writing wedding thank you cards, order the cards in advance, start writing early, create a comfortable writing environment, and commit to writing a certain number of cards each day or week. Having the cards on hand and starting early will help avoid last-minute stress.

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